Sunday, February 26, 2012

AT&T delivers Samsung Rugby Smart next month

Is it just me, or do you feel that consumer electronic devices these days do not really live up to their predecessors’ durability? I mean, back in the days of our grandparents and parents, the fridge lasted for umpteenth years, and will probably still continue to work. Fast forward to today, and you have a fridge that seemingly dies out a couple of days after the warranty on it expires. Having said that, smartphones are not exactly the most durable handset in the world, either – so it is a good thing to be careful with them wherever you are, lest you suffer from a butterfingers moment.

This has led to an explosive growth of third party accessories for the smartphone and tablet markets, but how about incorporating a little bit of ruggedness into a handset? This is exactly what Samsung has done with their latest creation which they call the Samsung Rugby Smart. I guess this is a sequel to the Samsung Rugby which was released in 2010.

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